Route 805 Mobility & Safety Improvements
Caltrans Contract 11-430324
Atkinson is committed to assembling a diverse team of qualified project partners that share our commitment to quality and craftmanship.
About the Project
Construction on State Highway in San Diego County from Route 805/15 separation to 0.1 mile north of Route 805/52 separation.
Project Limits: PM 14.6 to PM 23.7 on SR 805
The Scope:
Concrete paving (random)
Mill and overlay asphalt pavement
Overhead sign structures
Roadside signs
Asphalt dike
Key Procurement Details
Potential Opportunities/Scopes of Work
Asphalt • Bridge • Demo • Drainage • Earthwork • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fencing • Flatwork • JCPC Rapid set • Landscaping • MBGR • Maintenance of Traffic • Overhead Sign Structures • Pavement Marking • Paving • QA/QC • Road Barrier • Rebar • Signs • Street Sweeping • Survey • Trucking • Utilities • Water Trucks • AND MORE...
Are you a small business looking to work with Atkinson?
Please fill out the Trade Contractor Interest Form to provide an overview of your company and capabilities.
Trade Contractor Interest Form
Prequalification Process
All trade contractors need to complete our Subcontractor Qualification Application to be eligible to bid on our projects and contract with Atkinson. Atkinson uses TradeTapp, a BuildingConnected product, to assist our team in prequalifying trade contractors. If your company has a TradeTapp and/or BuildingConnected account already, you should skip setup and log in using your existing credentials.
Subcontractor Qualification Application
Additional Resources for Small Businesses in California
Please see the attached list of resources, information, training available for small businesses in California
Contact Information:
Guy F. Atkinson Construction
Contractor’s License # 1004388
18201 Von Karman Ave, 8th Floor
Irvine, CA 92612
p. 949-382-7145
f. 949-769-5600
e. [email protected]
Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC is a union contractor and an Equal Opportunity Employer. Atkinson is signatory to the Carpenters, Cement Masons, Laborers and Operating Engineers Unions. 100% Performance & Payment Bonds from an approved surety company will be required for subcontractors with contract value greater than $100,000. Atkinson will pay the cost of bonds up to 2.0%. Atkinson will assist in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related services. We will split items of work (see project specs for full list of bid items) and provide assistance for bonding, LOC and insurance where needed. Subcontractors will be expected to sign Atkinson's standard subcontract and to comply with our company's standard insurance requirements which include a waiver of subrogation. Please provide contractor's license number, Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registration number and DBE cert # (if applicable) with your quote.